AgriRem Bioremediation Products

A100 ~ Hydrocarbon based Soils
A90 ~ Salinated land & Water Solution
A80 ~ Waste Water Treatment
A70 ~ Sustainable Turf Management
A60 ~ Agriculture
A50 ~ Domestic Garden and Lawns

Hydrocarbon / Oil Spill.

A100 – Hydrocarbon based Soils

The A100 microbes have been cultured to effectively degrade wastes containing hydrocarbon-based molecules whilst detoxifying the soil/liquid to a less harmful state and acceptable environmental standard.

This product has been field tested successfully in the degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons, oils and greases, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH's), alcohols, and some heavy metals. A100 is currently used by oil based drilling companies for management of oils spills and drill cuttings/mud regeneration.

Bioremediation Application:

Agrirem Earth Care have a range of application methods from a mobile process to ensure simple low impact results, to the development of a centralised site to service multiple project sites.

The proprietary blend of Agrirem Earth Care is mixed with potable water for a minimum period before application. This mixture is than applied under pressure or as required to suit the treatment process designed for the client. Treatments have regular monitoring and testing to ensure effective bioremediation within an effective period. Following treatment, the client has a reusable end product with regeneration of the treatment site.

Hydrocarbon based soils
Hydrocarbon based soils

Salts Management.

A90 – Salinated land & Water Solution

The A90 microbes have been cultured to reduce the concentration of salts in saline fluids and brine concentrations whilst also treating salt-affected or sodic soils. This proprietary formulation will be trialled with Australia's Coal Seam Gas drilling operations to assist with the management and reuse ability of drilling fluids and production water and in the restoration of sodic soils as a result of storing saline waters in evaporation dams

Bioremediation Application:

Agrirem Earth Care have a range of application methods from a mobile process to ensure simple low impact results, to the development of a centralised site to service multiple project sites.

The proprietary blend of Agrirem Earth Care is mixed with potable water for a minimum period before application. This mixture is than applied under pressure or as required to suit the treatment process designed for the client. Treatments have regular monitoring and testing to ensure effective bioremediation within an effective period. Following treatment, the client has a reusable end product with regeneration of the treatment site.


Waste Water Effluent.

A80 – Waste Water Treatment

The A80 microbes when applied via suitable application will perform the function of breaking down sewage influent via digesting solids and separation of various compounds. A80 is also commonly used to restore contamination levels found in groundwater.

Bioremediation Application:

Agrirem Earth Care have a range of application methods from a mobile process to ensure simple low impact results, to the development of a centralised site to service multiple project sites.

The proprietary blend of Agrirem Earth Care is mixed with potable water for a minimum period before application. This mixture is than applied under pressure or as required to suit the treatment process designed for the client. Treatments have regular monitoring and testing to ensure effective bioremediation within an effective period. Following treatment, the client has a reusable end product with regeneration of the treatment site.


Soil Conditioning.

A70 Sustainable Turf Management

The A70 when applied to sports grounds or large turf areas can reduce ground contaminants back to acceptable and suitable standards for public use reducing the levels of staph bacteria and other contaminates commonly affecting ground users. A70 is also used to support the natural ' good' bacteria within soil types stimulating growth and nutrient release making it ideal for landscaping and turf management conditioning and maintenance.

A60 Agriculture

The A60 Agriculture is permitted for use under the Australian 'Certified Organic' scheme for
organic-certified lands and is used as soil conditioning and chemical waste treatment for cattle or feed related agricultural areas.

A50 Domestic Garden and Lawns

A50 is supplied in product form for domestic use improving household soils and lawn growth whilst supporting important nutrients to promote efficient and healthy growth.

Bioremediation Application:

Agrirem Earth Care have a range of application methods from a mobile process to ensure simple low impact results, to the development of a centralised site to service multiple project sites.

The proprietary blend of Agrirem Earth Care is mixed with potable water for a minimum period before application. This mixture is than applied under pressure or as required to suit the treatment process designed for the client. Treatments have regular monitoring and testing to ensure effective bioremediation within an effective period. Following treatment, the client has a reusable end product with regeneration of the treatment site.

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